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Pet Junkie Blog

The 10 Best Cats in Movies

The 10 Best Cats in Movies

We thought it was time we show our feline friends some love and highlight our favorite cats in movies. There are a lot of excellent cats making cameows in film, so we're barely scratching the surface, but we've rounded up in no particular order, our 10 favorite movie kitties.

on July 02, 2017
Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails Near St. Louis

Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails Near St. Louis

One of our favorite activities is to take our dogs hiking. It's a free, healthy way to spend time with your dog and let them sniff out some new scents.

on May 24, 2017
Donation recipient spotlight: Gateway Pet Guardians

Donation recipient spotlight: Gateway Pet Guardians

We are pleased to announce the first beneficiary of our donation special spotlight is Gateway Pet Guardians of St. Louis, MO. 

on May 08, 2017
Pet-Friendly Vacation Destinations in the U.S.

Pet-Friendly Vacation Destinations in the U.S.

If you're planning a summer vacation and want to bring your pet along, you may want to consult a new report ranking 2017’s Most Pet-Friendly U.S. Vacation Destinations.

on April 29, 2017
5 Ideas For Celebrating Your Pet’s Gotcha Day!

5 Ideas For Celebrating Your Pet’s Gotcha Day!

Many pet owners don't know the actual date their "fur baby" was born, but still want to recognize the importance of them joining the family.

on April 23, 2017
The 10 Best Dogs in Movies

The 10 Best Dogs in Movies

We love dogs. We love movies. What we really love is dogs IN movies.
on March 26, 2017